"People are made to be loved, and things to be used. Unfortunately, too many times, people are used while things are loved." 

- Anonymous - 


Monique Bondeux

A bi-lingual and bi-national retiree, I was born and educated in Paris, France. I've spent my whole adult life in the US, living in seven different states and exploring many others. My working life was spent starting with the publishing and medical fields, followed by insurance adjusting, then as a travel agent, and finally as a home-based translator for the last ten years.  

As a child, I loved writing, reading, acting, singing, as well as gymnastics and various sports. I discovered photography, which came as a close second after writing daily in my diary, after the gift of my first Brownie camera in my pre-teens. However, my family of origin didn’t consider creative undertakings as proof of talents to be nurtured, encouraged and supported, but as cute pastimes. I didn’t pursue any of them seriously until after I retired.

Now, I am still a voracious reader, and my interests rest mostly with the theater and films—with cooking, interior design, philosophy, architecture and archeology to also capture my attention. Both retired since 2003, my English husband and I spend our life in both northern Wisconsin and southwest Florida—guess which season is where?—while actively sharing all over the world our common passion for travel. Adding travel to my life gave me the opportunity to combine it with writing and photography—giving rise to my need for a website.